Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2008 Bavarian Dachshund Festival

This was my second year at the fest. Max and I were joined this year by our new pals Chelsea, Dexter, and Lucy.

I made it through a few rounds of the bobbing for wieners contest. Here I am in the first two rounds. The first time I went head to head with Dexter! He is still a puppy so I don't think he understood the rules. Next year!

I totally choked in the wiener dog races. I was tired so I just decided not leave the start line!

There were only 2 dogs in the last heat that Dex ran in. One dog did not leave the start line and Dex and the other one just took their sweet time walking halfway down the stretch until they both discovered my mom cheering for Dex to run. They both took off running and Dex won by a nose! He advanced to the next round and ran the whole way that time....but didn't win...this time!